Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bridesmaids 2011 English

Bridesmaids 2011 torrent

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Review: I did not expect this film to be one of the worst I've seen this year. Ultimately, it was a good result in IMDB, Judd Apatow produced it, and was hailed as the female hangover. What could possibly go wrong here? As it turns out, almost everything. This film has managed to literally hit anything, and I really mean everything wrong keys ot r me.I think that at least something to be said for the assumption, which is basically fart combined with romantic comedy drama. Somehow, though, manages to get very worst aspects of drama and yet very worst fart comedy.First all but one or two cases, completely missing the target mood. I think I laughed twice during the entire two hours of work, which must be a new low in degree minute joke. Jokes just do not work .. Physical humor is just plain vulgar in poor condition, and verbal humor, and perhaps should be sharp, just comes across as meaningless ranting angry. Also, almost every scene goes on for a very long time, ruining any potential that may have been.For drama, it also is not bad. First of all, almost every character with the possible exception of a cop love interest, self-obsessed, desire, shallow and just plain boring. Its impossible to care about these characters as they go through an extremely long movement (the film is slow at fault as ) and finish the conclusion.I terribly predictable think some will take this movie as clever or original, but the end is just the same old romcom template that has done hundreds of times before .. Only this time, no humor, no chemistry and a poorly executed very serious in making this topic.

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