Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Expendables 2 2012 Full Movie

The Expendables 2 2012 torrent

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Review: While on a mission to become one of The Expendables himself killed, this leads to the crew to go on a mission of revenge. But it is too much to handle? I am seriously disappointed in the first movie of unsustainable, if any action, the use of CGI blood and the wicked unimpressive ruined the experience. So I hope that the second time around they would correct those problems. I can safely say that they did and they did it in spades. Changes in large Stallone is not behind the camera, so it is more focused on his role in Barney and his mind is not divided between two separate locations. Changes in large if tone, Expendables 2 is not itself seriously at all and it is not, so I had the spirit looking at her, which finally A parody of the genre action. I can look past the act, lack of story and plot because the film does not try to provide. It is a simple film with a simple purpose. Get as many of those great guys in one film, making it a flick with great action and kill the boy and place. Major misstep in this film is a motivation behind the revenge. People die of evil. It is a character killed off that we have almost zero emotional connection with, it would be made more sense if it would be another character who disappeared at the beginning of the film. It seems that nature is only one goal was to get revenge on those characters, making it less committed viewer.I was surprised that I was underwhelmed by the action of the first film, there is a more stylish and fun. Film step on the gas since the very beginning and almost never allow them. We will dispose of this action sequence at the beginning, which is better than anything the original had to offer. More efficient action director behind the lens this time, Simon West, who gave Con Air, and the mechanic last longer. He understands what is needed to save some wild action sequence. As I mentioned before, the film does not take seriously, and it has a lot of tongue and cheek attitude about it. Be not afraid of their Wink the room, especially when Chuck Norris enters the screen and stole the show with the funniest line in the whole movie. The film is one that you would expect from a film critics action. During a battle, one character cries, Enable wrap this up and then the amount it takes a chain and wrapped it in a different character classes and choked her abroad. Another scene we have to find a bad guy shot a dozen times by all and Stallone cue, break into pieces. Finally, my favorite, Stallone said uncle then proceeds to throw the head of some people. Yes, this film is violent, so do not be afraid about the PG-13 rating.So what about men? Well, they all come back, some have much more to do than others. Lundgren is basically comedic relief. Team and again found Courture short moves and feels like characters as background. Schwarzenegger, Willis and Norris all have cameos in deeper and eventually Van Damme bright as wicked. Van Damme really deserves more screen time. We will introduce it, then we cut back every so often as he tries to steal plitonyòml ', then, we have for him in the end. It deserves more screen time, so he was right by him, Scott Adkins. Both are martial arts fighter typing than pocketing large weapons and since this is a Stallone movie, this is a great gun to shoot a film. Battle sequences are found, but both of them, I think it would be a little longer. Especially Van Damme / Stallone fight.So in the end, The Expendables did exactly what the film should be done first. It is a hilarious parody of the genre action, and to be non-stop excitement from beginning to end. Here at last the film of those guys that Ive waited.

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